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1、Opening ...

  •   I am living in a city called Beijing, the capital of China. It is one of the biggest city of the world, I think. As in whole Switzerland they have 8 million people, Beijing, only this city, triples the population of Swiss to 24 million, and the city is only one third of the land of Swiss. You can imagine what I met when I get into the subway and see every morning, lots, I say, lots and lots of people. And everyday I’m worried if I can get into the subway timely to work.
      One day, besides the crowds I live with, I note that I am also living with cards. Everywhere needs a card. The subway, buses, public transport, there is a card for it. The bank, many cards. The credit cards. The electricity card to buy electricity for my apartment. It seems that cards controls all integral things of life: money, electricity, moving.
      One day I bought an ice cream. It was dear, cost some money. And I used my card to pay, then I said from my heart: hey, if the ice cream could low its price!
      And then, a guy shouted in the shop and said he ate a dirty thing in the ice cream. Then everyone ate one. Then the event ended by they eat freely this time. And I get my cash back……

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