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1、第 1 章 ...

  •   Poly is a good boy
      who for pure love
      kisses hundreds of babies
      he has never known
      and would know

      Poly is a good boy
      who out of sublime
      acts a stupid of stupid
      to make thousands of
      his peers look

      Poly is a good boy
      who from heavenly justice
      spreads liberty and democracy
      ten thousand miles away
      to the savage and the innocent

      Poly is a good boy
      who for true devoutness
      prays for victims
      millions of kilometres away
      suffering from fratricidal war between

      Poly is a good boy
      who out of innate talent
      distinguishes himself in almost all elections
      a politician of politician
      the best dancer on the stage
note 作者有话说
第1章 第 1 章

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