“Ladies and gentleman, we’ll arrive in Seoul in half an hour. The local time in Seoul is 2:10 p.m. The weather is fair, and the temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Thank you. Please return your seat and table to its upright position. Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. Thank you for flying China Eastern Airline.”
于是来叫志龙彩排的胜利就看到自家队长带着一抹神秘的微笑看着手机,觉得很好奇,于是一屁股坐在权志龙身边,把头凑到权志龙的手机前面,“哇!哥!这个妹纸好漂亮!!”手还不老实地想要够手机,权志龙一把拍掉胜利不安分的手,眼睛仍然盯着手机。“Jin xiyan, Jin xiyan,好美丽的名字,哥,你怎么认识这么的快告诉我!!”权志龙评论完收起手机,站起来就向门外走去,丝毫不理会身后叫嚷的腻腻,只留胜利一人独自坐在沙发上凌乱。