我们说说坟墓吧\ Let's talk of graves,
还有蛆虫\ of worms
和墓志铭\ and epitaphs.
以土为纸\ Make dust our paper
潸然泪下\ and with rainy eyes
把悲哀写在大地的胸膛\ Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth.
让我们席地而坐\ Let us sit upon the ground
细数列王之末路\ and tell sad stories of the death of kings.
有的惨遭废黜\ How some have been deposed;
有的战死沙场\ some slain in war;
有的被他们所废黜的鬼魂纠缠\ some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed;
有的被妻子毒死\ some poisoned by their wives;
有的在睡梦中被杀\ some sleeping killed.
无一善终\ All murdered.