I look at you 我深深的望着你 Please don't walk away 只求你,别离我而去 There is just something I'd really liketo say 我真的还有一些心里话想对你倾诉 So please don't walk away 恳请你别离我而去 I know that you're there 我知道你就在身边 Still you pretend you're not 你却依然装作无动于衷 Yes I know it hurts 我知道你很心痛 I have also felt the pain 因为我也跟你一样的心痛 As long as in my heart只要我心中还有你 You're still the only one 你自始至终都是我的唯一 I can be trusted now, I swear to you Ican 相信我吧我向你保证会爱你一生一世 It's been a year a memory from my past 时间已在我记忆的年轮碾过一圈 I know what I did wrong 我知道我当初不该那么做 I wish to change 我希望可以重新来过 Just to make it last 我选择永远跟你在一起 But I guess it's been too long 但我觉得恐怕这已经为时已晚 Easy to move on 你能随心所欲的生活 To forget to about it all 忘记过去所有的记忆 Is that what you do, hoping I will begone 你真的希望我离你远去吗 If you got to know me again 假如我们可以重头再来 Maybe then maybe then 或许那时或许那刻 We could see what we should do 我们才明白该做怎样的选择 But that's all up to you 但这一切都取决于你 I'll be waiting for you 我会一直等着你
①女主哼唱的歌词来自Sissel的Should It Matter,中英文字幕来自音悦台的MV,另原歌词部分被我剔除了。