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5、41-50 ...

  •   41. Rowling denied the possibility of Harry being Voldemort’s son, stating “You lot have been watching much too much Star Wars.”


      42. Sirius Black is named after the brightest star in the sky, the Dog Star.


      43. Daniel Radcliffe suffered from two ear infections after the underwater filming in Goblet of Fire.


      44. The underwater set used for Goblet of Fire was the largest ever created, holding up to 50000 liters of water.


      45. Richard Harris only agreed to taking the part as Dumbledore after his granddaughter threatened to never speak to him again.


      46. During filming of the Sorcerer’s Stone, Daniel Radcliffe changed the screen on Robbie Coltrane’s cell phone to Turkish. He had to call a hair designer to change it back.


      47. Emma Watson broke her wrist during filming of the Chamber of Secrets. Her cast can be seen in some shots just under her sleeve.


      48. Some of the portraits in Hogwarts are actually portraits of the producers.


      49. Three different owls play Hedwig: Ook, Gizmo and Sprout, but mostly Ook.


      50. The Malfoy’s had many endings filmed for the Deathly Hallows Part 2. One that didn’t make it involved Lucius Malfoy being trampled by Death Eaters.

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第5章 41-50

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