“\\\'Twas noontide of summer,那是在仲夏之夜, And mid-time of night; 那是在夜半时分; And stars, in their orbits,星星闪烁着淡光, Shone pale, thro\\\' the light 各自在轨道运行; Of the brighter, cold moon,冷月比星星耀眼, \\\'Mid planets her slaves,群星是她的奴仆 Herself in the Heavens,她高高的挂在天上, Her beam on the waves.” 她悠悠的在海面飘忽。
听着Reid带着可爱鼻音的声音,Agatha情不自禁的微笑起来,紧绷的身体不由自主的放松下来。 朗诵仍在继续。 “ I gazed awhile 我抬头凝望片刻 On her cold smile; 望见她冰凉的月色; Too cold- too cold for me-寒气袭人——于我太凄冷—— There pass\\\'d, as a shroud,一朵白云飘去 A fleecy cloud,也如同一件寿衣 And I turned away to thee,于是我将目光转向了你, Proud Evening Star,骄傲的黄昏之星, In thy glory afar,你居住在遥远的天河, And dearer thy beam shall be; 那才是你真正的荣耀; For joy to my heart 你的光照耀着天庭 Is the proud part 令我更加珍惜 Thou bearest in Heaven at night,”因为我的心也为之欢喜,
“And more I admire 而令我更加倾慕的 Thy distant fire,是你遥远璀璨的光芒 Than that colder, lowly light.” 远胜过冷月卑微的清辉。
Reid侧耳倾听着手机。周围寂静一片,只有屋外星空漫天,如同人类高贵不屈的灵魂。 他安静地听着话筒里平稳的呼吸声,低声说:“Have a good night.”