Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, Remember me to one who lives there, She once was a true love of mine. ………… ………… Tell her to buy me an acre of land, Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, Between the salt water and the sea strand, Then she’ll be a true love of mine.
回到房间洗漱完毕,本想和衣而睡,低头看自己满身灰尘,和洁净的青灰色床单格格不入。于是展开邵北洛给她预备的Tshirt,不禁笑出声来,大的可以当睡衣的Tshirt上印着一只戴圣诞帽的卷毛狗,目光柔顺、楚楚可怜,下面一行花体英文,写着“Have a Heart, fund for animal welfare”。 难怪是全新的。想象高大的邵北洛穿这样一件Tshirt招摇过市,定然有不错的回头率。 江维夏笑笑,这不知是哪家人道主义协会捐款活动的纪念衫,看来邵北洛真是同情心旺盛,如果这公寓楼里可以养猫养狗,说不准他早就从街上领回一群流浪动物,轮不到自己这个头脑发晕的大活人了。