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8、第 8 章 ...

  •   于是,我又把照片推给了她,她却看都不看一眼就说不认识。我一眼就看出她有古怪。
      He deals the cards as a meditation(牌局中他总在思考)/
      And those he plays never suspect(让人怎么也猜不透)/
      He doesn't play for the money he wins(输赢多少都无所谓)/
      He don't play for respect(也不在意他人的羡慕)/
      He deals the cards to find the answer(他只是在牌中寻找答案)/
      the saered geometry of chance(寻找着几何学的原理)/
      The hidden law of a probable outcome(还有那背后的规则)/
      The numbers lead a dance(他沉醉于数字的舞步)/
      I know that the spades(我明白黑桃)/
      are the swords of a soldier(是战士的宝剑)/
      I know that the clubs(我清楚梅花)/
      are weapons of war(是争斗的利器)/
      I know thaat dia monds mean(我明白方片)/
      money for this art(是牌局里的金钱)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
      He may play the jack of diamands(他也许会出方块J)/
      He may lay the queen of spades(大概要压住黑桃Q)/
      He mey conceal a king in his hand(他手里可能还藏着K)/
      While the memory of it fades(最后大概会忘了这些牌)/
      I know that the spades(我明白黑桃)/
      are the swords of a soldier(是战士的宝剑)/
      I know that the clubs(我清楚梅花)/
      are weapons of war(是争斗的利器)/
      I know thaat dia monds mean(我明白方片)/
      money for this art(是牌局里的金钱)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
      And if I told you that I've loved you (还有如果我说曾爱过你)/
      you'd maybe think there's something wrong(你大概会觉得只是说笑)/
      I'm not a man of too many faces(可我并不善于掩饰内心)/
      The mask I wear is one(你看到的就是真正的我)/
      Well,those who speak know noting(那些光说的人其实什么都不懂)/
      and findout to their cost(他们最终会付出代价)/
      Like those who curse their unluck in too many places(就像那些到处诉说自己的不幸)/
      and those who fear are lost(和那些退缩的人一样,都已经迷失)/
      I know that the spades(我明白黑桃)/
      are the swords of a soldier(是战士的宝剑)/
      I know that the clubs(我清楚梅花)/
      are weapons of war(是争斗的利器)/
      I know thaat dia monds mean(我明白方片)/
      money for this art(是牌局里的金钱)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
      But that's not the shape of my heart(但这都不是我心的模样)/
note 作者有话说
第8章 第 8 章

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