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16、#【设定特别敬告】# ...

  •   【设定特别敬告】

      4.关于William Harvelle的死亡。文中对他的死状死因部分援引演绎自SUPERNATURAL: John Winchester’s Journal,原文如下:
      Bill\'s death is described in a journal entry he made:
      It looked like smoke and sounded like a million flies. Bill looked down from the stars just in time for it to flow right into him. He started jerking like a condemned man in the electric chair, and two voices were coming out of his mouth. One was the thing, the Hellspawn. I don\'t know what language it was speaking, but its voice was horrible. It was the sound cancer would make if it could talk. And Bill, he kept saying over and over again, \'John shoot me, shoot me, John.\' So I did. It was the worst mistake I ever made. It was careless and stupid and it got a good man killed. A good husband and father, and a damned good hunter, and I don\'t know how I\'m going to explain this to Ellen. And Jo, poor Jo. She\'s four years old. How am I going to tell her I can\'t just let Ellen do it. It was over in less than a minute, Bill Harvelle dead and me standing there with a gun in my hand listening to the echo of the gunshots in the hills and echo of the awful hellspawn voice in my head.
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第16章 #【设定特别敬告】#

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