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4、Forever young ...

  •   Forever young by the Alphaville

      Let\'s dance in style
      Let\'s dance for a while
      Heaven can wait
      We\'re only watching the skies
      Hoping for the best
      But expecting the worst
      Are you going to drop the bomb or not

      Let us die young or let us live forever
      We don\'t have the power
      But we never say never
      Sitting in a sandpit
      Life is a short trip
      The music\'s for the sad men

      Can you imagine
      When this race is won
      Turn our golden faces into the sun
      Praising our leaders
      We\'re getting in tune
      The music\'s played by the madmen

      Forever young
      I want to be forever young
      Do you really want to live forever
      Forever and ever
      Forever young
      I want to be forever young
      Do you really want to live forever
      Forever young

      Some are like water
      Some are like the heat
      Some are a melody and some are the beat
      Sooner or later
      They all will be gone
      Why don\'t they stay young

      It\'s so hard to get old without a cause
      I don\'t want to perish like a fading horse
      Youth\'s like diamonds in the sun
      And diamonds are forever

      So many adventures couldn\'t happen today
      So many songs we forgot to play
      So many dreams swinging out of the blue
      We\'ll let them come true

      Forever young
      I want to be forever young
      Do you really want to live forever
      Forever and ever


      *Are you going to drop the bomb or not :这句牵涉到一点历史背景,这首歌的原唱是Alphaville(阿尔发村合唱团),乐队于1982年成立于西柏林,单曲“Forever young”发行于1984年。

      源于冷战,刻上鲜明时代印记的柏林墙建立于1961年,一堵墙,不仅隔开了资本主义和社会主义,还使很多柏林家庭分裂成两半。这种状况直至持续到1990年,伴随着东西德的统一,柏林墙才不复存在。但在这之前的几十年,有关柏林墙以及东德西德之间的故事却充满着“相互的敌对、相互的猜疑以及相互的思念”,无论是墙的东边还是墙的西边,人们从不怀疑战争随时爆发的可能。所以这句“are you going to drop the bomb or not”体现了当时的时代特点——缺乏安全感的德国人多么渴望和平和统一。

      *swinging out of the blue :原意指from an unexpected or unforeseen source(出乎意料的、没有想到或没有预测到的)

  • 作者有话要说:  “音乐初始的吉他声是如此的干脆和利落,清晰幼稚的童音抚平心底的那份不安定,世界瞬间纯净透明;在干净舒服的乐声中,童话中的声音悠然传至耳畔,儿童特有的柔软和并不清晰的吐字,却让已经长大可还执著幼稚的你我陷落……”

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