一、摄政王家系重大事件年份: 1.摄政王Denethor,son of Ecthelion,生于2930年。 2.摄政王的妻子、Boromir和Faramir的母亲Finduilas,daughter of Adrahil of Dol Amroth,生于2950年。 3.Denethor和Finduilas成婚于2976年。 4.摄政王长子Boromir出生于2978年。 5.摄政王次子Faramir出生于2983年。 6.Finduilas卒于2988年,只活了38岁。
二、摄政王家生活线索: 1.Gandalf对Pippin说过这样一句话——“他(Denethor)和这个时代的人都不同,Pippin。尽管他的血缘世代相传,但由于某些原因,他拥有几乎纯正的Westernesse 血统,他的另一个儿子Faramir也是这样,他最爱的Boromir身上却没有。” 【原文:‘He is not as other men of this time, Pippin, and whatever be his descent from father to son, by some chance the blood of Westernesse runs nearly true in him; as it does in his other son, Faramir, and yet did not in Boromir whom he loved best.’】 线索一:同父同母的兄弟二人血统能力有差异。
2.Denethor在谈及Boromir的死讯时,曾经表露出希望Boromir与Faramir交换的愿望,直接导致Faramir接近崩溃。 【原文:‘So be it!’cried Denethor.‘But not with your death only, Lord Faramir: with the death also of your father, and of all your people, whom it is your part to protect now that Boromir is gone.’ ‘Do you wish then,’said Faramir,‘that our places had been exchanged’ ‘Yes, I wish that indeed,’said Denethor. ‘For Boromir was loyal to me and no wizard’s pupil. He would have remembered his father’s need, and would not have squandered what fortune gave. He would have brought me a mighty gift.’ For a moment Faramir’s restraint gave way. ‘I would ask you, my father, to remember why it was that I, not he, was in Ithilien. On one occasion at least your counsel has prevailed, not long ago. It was the Lord of the City that gave the errand to him.’】 甚至在Faramir出征前,做父亲的也不愿意给一句祝福,简直想让人忍不住问一句:“Denethor,难道Faramir不是你的儿子吗?” 【原文:‘Then farewell!’ said Faramir. ‘But if I should return, think better of me!’ ‘That depends on the manner of your return,’ said Denethor.】 线索二:Denethor对两个儿子的区别对待严重到令人发指。
3.原著有一处暗示Denethor在Faramir受伤后曾经使用过Palantir,“他自己则来到了高塔顶端的密室中;当时许多抬头观望的民众看见窗□□出苍白的光芒,在闪动一阵之后,光芒就熄灭了。Denethor从房中下来后,一言不发地坐在儿子身边;只是,摄政王的脸色灰败,比他卧床的儿子看起来还要虚弱。” 这个行动直接导致了他最后的精神崩溃。 【原文:But he himself went up alone into the secret room under the summit of the Tower; and many who looked up thither at that time saw a pale light that gleamed and flickered from the narrow windows for a while, and then flashed and went out. And when Denethor descended again he went to Faramir and sat beside him without speaking, but the face of the Lord was grey, more deathlike than his son’s.】 线索三:Denethor看过Palantir后精神崩溃。
4.Palantir的作用: ①“那个字代表的是‘可以望远之物’。Orthanc-stone就是其中一个。” ②“可以看见远方,利用思想和对方交谈。” ③“如果只有这一枚,其实只能看见远方的事物和过去的影响。” 【原文:①'The name meant that which looks far away. The Orthanc-stone was one.'②'To see far off, and to converse in thought with one another,'③’But alone it could do nothing but see small images of things far off and days remote.’ 线索四:Palantir可以看见远方的事物和过去的影响。
5.原著附录中提到Denethor很爱自己的妻子,仅次于对长子Boromir的爱。但是Finduilas早逝。她死后,Denethor阴郁话少,常常独自沉思。 【原文:She was a lady of great beauty and gentle heart, but before twelve years had passed she died. Denethor loved her, in his fashion, more dearly than any other, unless it were the elder of the sons that she bore him. But it seemed to men that she withered in the guarded city, as a flower of the seaward vales set upon a barren rock. The shadow in the east filled her with horror, and she turned her eyes ever south to the sea that she missed. After her death Denethor became more grim and silent than before, and would sit long alone in his tower deep in thought, foreseeing that the assault of Mordor would come in his time.】 线索五:Denethor很爱Finduilas。
四、探秘第三纪: 1.第三纪中有一个人类的命运与精灵的命运交织在一起,此人名为Aragorn。可以说,第一纪所有命运与精灵交织在一起的人类的特质,都集中在Aragorn身上。 2.Aragorn是Numenor的后裔,幼年时被Rivendell 领主Elrond收养,与Elrond的女儿Arwen相恋并成婚,育有一子Elderion和女儿们。他与来自Mirkwood的精灵Legolas是挚友,在他寻回失落的王位过程中,身为Maiar 的Gandalf给了他非常重要的帮助。 3.Aragorn经历重大事件年份摘录: ①生于2931年。 ②2933年被母亲Gilraen带到Rivendell,Elrond收养了他,并给他取名为Estel。 ③2951年,Aragorn得知自己的真实身世,遇到Arwen,对其一见钟情,后离开Rivendell。 ④2956年,Aragorn遇到Gandalf并建立友谊。 ⑤2957年-2980年,Aragorn以Thorongil的化名在Rohan和Gondor征战。 ⑥2980年,Thorongil离开Gondor,有人看见他走入东方的阴影。同年,Aragorn进入萝林,与Arwen定情。 ⑦3017年,Aragorn抓到Gollum,带着他进入Mirkwood。【推测:最晚于此时与Legolas相识并建立友谊。】 ⑧3018年,Aragorn加入护戒队。 ⑨3019年,Aragorn加冕成为King Elessar。同年,与Arwen成婚。 于是此人类命运图表可以做如下补充: ————————————Beren————Turin————Tuor—————Aragorn—— ————被精灵收养———无——————√——————√———————√——— ————与精灵相恋———Luthien——Finduilas———Idril—————Arwen—— ————有精灵基友———Finrod———Beleg————Ecthelion———Legolas—— —留下人类和精灵的后代—Dior—————无—————Earendil———Eldarion—— ————有神圣加持———无———Melian(Maiar)—Ulmo(Valar)—Gandalf(Maiar) (此图表经Evagreen姐姐提示补充) 4.Aragorn的经历中有23年在Rohan与Gondor度过。他曾以Thorongil的身份见过摄政王Ecthelion和当时还是王子的Denethor。原著中并未提到Thorongil从Rohan去Gondor的具体年份,但在Aragorn与Eomer的对话中提到他见过Eomer的父亲和Theoden。 【原文:”You I have not seen before, for you are young, but I have spoken with omund your father, and with Théoden son of Thengel.”】 但Aragorn没有提到见过Eomer的母亲,也许是因为确实没见过,也许是因为他只是没有提起而已。但如果以他没有见过Eomer的母亲来推测,那么Thorongil离开Rohan前往Gondor的日期应当在Thengel 之女Théodwyn出生前。Théodwyn出生在2963年,即Aragorn最晚应当于2963年便前往Gondor。(其实这个日期没有什么意义,因为Thorongil在两国都逗留了多年。) 5.基本可以确定Denethor与Finduilas成婚于Thorongil在Gondor期间,而他们的第一个儿子Boromir也生于此期间。
五、东拉西扯: 1.托老作品中的爱情多数是“一见钟情,二见倾心;身外无碍,立即成亲。” 2.托老的观念里,抛却意外身亡的例子,男性早逝的原因一般是战死/冒险而死;女性早逝的原因一般是抑郁而死,而这抑郁通常与丈夫或爱人有关,与孩子的关系不大。 3.Denethor与Aragorn/Thorongil外表有相似之处,但是人民和他的父亲都觉得他比不上Thorongil。 【原文:①Pippin saw his carven face with its proud bones and skin like ivory, and the long curved nose between the dark deep eyes; and he was reminded not so much of Boromir as of Aragorn.②Indeed he was as like to Thorongil as to one of nearest kin, and yet was ever placed second to the stranger in the hearts of men and the esteem of his father.】 4.Aragorn从20岁起单恋Arwen,49岁与Arwen定情,88岁与Arwen成婚。虽然原著中Arwen正面出场的次数极少,但是Aragorn每次想起她的时候,都带着深沉的爱意,这点从原文中他提到Rivendell的语气,以及在Lothlorien的睹物思人都可以看出来。依常理推测,这样的男人很难注意到其他女人对自己的好感,甚至对其他女人对自己的钟情根本没有概念。 5.Faramir的妻子Eowyn曾单恋Aragorn。而Aragorn的反应是:接酒杯时不小心碰到Eowyn的手,感觉到她在颤抖,立刻收敛了笑容。 【原文:As she stood before Aragorn she paused suddenly and looked upon him, and her eyes were shining. And he looked down upon her fair face and smiled; but as he took the cup, his hand met hers, and he knew that she trembled at the touch. 'Hail Aragorn son of Arathorn!' she said. 'Hail Lady of Rohan!' he answered, but his face now was troubled and he did not smile.】 6.Finduilas的死因也可以理解为抑郁而死。但有一句很耐人寻味:“it seemed to men”——“在旁人看来”。“在旁人看来,她像一朵鲜花,在白城里枯萎,恐惧着东方的阴影,而将目光投向南方——她思念的大海。”那她心中真实想法是什么? 7.Thorongil离开Gondor的方式是“乘船渡过Anduin河,进入了阴影中。” 【原文:He was a great leader of men, by land or by sea, but he departed into the shadows whence he came, before the days of Ecthelion were ended. For he took boat and crossed over Anduin, and there he said farewell to his companions and went on alone; and when he was last seen his face was towards the Mountains of Shadow.】 8.Denethor与Gandalf不和。而Faramir却很喜欢向Gandalf学习。这点让他的父亲很不满,但Denethor对其的不满还有许多其他原因。 【原文:But it was not so, except that he did not seek glory in danger without a purpose. He welcomed Gandalf at such times as he came to the City, and he learned what he could from his wisdom; and in this as in many other matters he displeased his father.】 9.Denethor最后知道要来取回失落王位的人就是Thorongil吗?Denethor可以看穿其他人心中的想法,但毫无疑问他无法刺探出Thorongil的内心。