八月份的时候东方娱乐公司在帝都举办“迷情”摇滚音乐节,广邀知名摇滚乐队和歌手参加,其中包括了德音所在的MM乐队。 音乐节是在象阳公园的露天草坪上举办,众多爱好摇滚音乐的青年人蜂拥而至。 夏日的暮晚,火烧云满布西天,偶有微风也难掩空气中的热意滚滚。 暖场的乐队唱了几首经典的摇滚歌曲,到场的歌迷都是摇滚爱好者,唱到高潮处应和声一片,全场气氛热烈。 MM乐队是在中场偏后的位置,安排了三首歌的时间。一出场就掀起了热潮,掌声和口哨声连成一片,歌迷们大声呼喊着“Mavis”的名字。 德音今天穿的是T恤马甲配热裤,轻松简单的装束,头发抓起来盘在脑后,显露出光洁好看的额头。 “歌迷朋友们,晚上好!我是MM乐队的主唱Mavis!”掌声更加热烈,“我爱你”的呼喊声此起彼伏。 德音以一首AC/DC的《You Shook Me All Night Long》开场,女性嗓音挑战AC/DC的经典硬摇滚歌曲,一开口就令人惊艳不已。MM乐队将歌曲重新演绎,具有了鲜明的乐队特色,加上德音独特的嗓音和地道的英文腔调,MM乐队挑战国际化道路毫不成问题。 She was a fast machine, She kept her motor clean, She was the best damn woman that I ever seen, She had sightless eyes, Telling me no lies, Knocking me out with those American thighs, Taking more than her share, Had me fighting for air, She told me to come, but I was already there, Cause the walls started shaking, The earth was quaking, My mind was aching, And we were making it and you Shook me all night long, Yeah you, shook me all night long. Walking double time on the seduction line, She was one of a kind, She's just mine all mine, Wanted no applause, It's just another cause, Made a meal out of me, and come back for more, Tried to cool me down, To take another round, Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing, But the walls were shaking, The earth was quaking, My mind was aching, And we were making it and you Shook me all night long, Yeah you, shook me all night long, Knocked me out, I said you, Shook me all night long, Had me shaking and you, Shook me all night long, Had me shaking, Well you shook me
“很开心今天来到‘迷情’摇滚音乐节的现场,让我隆重介绍我的队友—— 贝斯手,小楠! 鼓手,NICK! 吉他,司嘉 键盘,冯仑!” 观众一阵呼喊,“下面为大家带来一首《为爱而声》,在这样一个放声歌唱的夜晚!”德音握住话筒,简洁有力地过渡之后便示意乐队开始。 《为爱而声》是一首非常适合现场演出的歌曲,澎湃的气势应和现场的掌声和欢呼,气氛一下子High到爆。后来《为爱而声》也成为一首有名的运动歌曲,在大型集会,运动会上常常被用来演奏,激发斗志和热情,甚至被推崇可与《We are the champions》《We will rock you》比肩。 两首歌过后,德音脸上已经沁出了汗水,但是被现场歌迷的热情感染,第三首歌曲《为你唱完这些歌》更显激情和完美,以至于歌迷们在MM乐队退场之时不停地大喊“安可!安可!”,并不接受下一个乐队的演出。 迫于现场歌迷的热情,MM乐队又返场。 “非常感谢大家的喜欢!一首《那些未唱完的歌》献给大家,希望有机会MM乐队再为大家演唱!” 在谢幕阶段,演出极为成功的Mavis被现场歌迷抛起在空中,接受歌迷的欢呼和朝圣。