五年后—— 不知不觉,夏天已经来到。屋外那些不知名的树木都长出了茂密的枝叶,挡住了炙热的阳光。 屋内,一个金发女孩有些慵懒地坐在木椅上,手中拿着一张牛皮纸做的信。信封上锡着一只狮子,一只獾,一条蛇和一只老鹰。 Hogg Watts Magic School The headmaster: Albus Dumbledore. (International Magic Association, President of the association, the wizard Merlin magician) Dear miss Sventeni Roland: We have the pleasure to inform you,you have been in the Hogwarts magic school. Enclosed is required for books and equipment list Term begins on September 1st. We will be in July thirty-one days await your owl. Vice