“Tale as old as time ,True as it can be Barely even friends 。Than somebody bends , Unexpectedly…… Just a little change 。Small, to say the least , Both a little scared 。Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast…… Ever just the same 。Ever a surprise Ever as before 。Ever just as sure As the sun will arise 。Tale as old as time Tune as old as song 。Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change 。Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun 。Rising in the east Tale as old as time 。Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast……” 圆软流丽的歌词,随着琴音默契的配合着,震撼了在场的所有人。这一刹那,瑶琴原本平善的心境里,都没由来的徒生波澜!那是一个女人最平常的感情,而她,却是第一次如此真切的体验,如此被动的,感觉到往往是自己施加于她人的感受——嫉妒!