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17、最后的演唱会---日本..我回来了 ...

  •   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      最后的演唱会 【美国】其实我很喜欢唱歌的说.

      “Passion is sweet
      Love makes weak
      You said you cherished freedom so
      You refuse to let it go
      Follow your fate
      Love and hate
      Never fail to seize the day
      But dont give yourself away.
      Oh when the night falls
      And your all alone
      In your deepest sleep what
      Are you dreaming of
      My skin's still burning from your touch
      Oh I just can't get enough I
      Said I wouldn't ask for much
      But your eyes are dangerous
      Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
      Can we drop this masquerade
      I can't predict where it ends
      If your the rock I'll crush against
      Trapped in a crowd
      The music is loud
      I said I love my freedom too
      Now I'm not so sure I do
      All eyes on you
      Rings so true
      Better quit while you're ahead
      Now I'm not so sure I am
      Oh when the night falls
      And your all alone
      In your deepest sleep what
      Are you dreaming of
      My skin's still burning from your touch
      Oh I just can't get enough I
      Said I wouldn't ask for much
      But your eyes are dangerous
      Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
      Can we drop this masquerade
      I can't predict where it ends
      If your the rock I'll crush against
      My soul my heart
      If you're near or if you're far
      My life my love
      You can have it all....ooohaaaah.
      Oh when the night falls
      And your all alone
      In your deepest sleep what
      Are you dreaming of
      My skin's still burning from your touch
      Oh I just can't get enough I
      Said I wouldn't ask for much
      But your eyes are dangerous
      Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
      Can we drop this masquerade
      I can't predict where it ends
      If your the rock I'll crush against ”



      " Everyone, I'm going back to my country--- Japan, I hope you will continue to pay attention to me oh ~ my fans. I think I'll stick to sing dream。"说完后向大家鞠躬。




      ‘Why should you be able to This is not good’

      翻译“为什么要会呢 ?这里不好么 ?”


      " Japan is my motherland, I no matter how will go back. So, goodbye."


      “ 大家,日本是我的祖国,我无论是多会也会回去的。所以大家,拜拜了。”




      " After the dream of the blue, to return to his country--- Japan."







      穿白色半袖,心口上有【唯恋】的标志,背后是黑色的英文字母,下面是牛仔蓝的背带裤,纯白色的涂鸦帆布鞋。手上黑网状手套到脉搏就成2根线编到中指,最后成为一个蝴蝶结。裤子上带链条,链条上有很多圆柱体的小棒,心心...把头发梳成了一个花苞头,带这一个白色发带,前面两侧右面的头发用一个黑色的发带缠绕着 ,嘴里吃着一个棒棒糖,右手上拿着一个纯白色的电脑,左手上拿着一个黑色的檀木扇子。带着个耳机。

note 作者有话说
第17章 最后的演唱会---日本..我回来了

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