“My lover’s got humor (我的爱人虽然风趣) She’s the giggle at a funeral (主也不应该在他的葬礼上嬉笑) Knows everybody’s disapproval (我知道世人容不下我们) I should’ve worshiped her sooner (我应该对你俯首朝拜) If the Heavens ever did speak (如果天堂真的存在) She’s the last true mouth piece (那么主就是最终真理) Every Sunday’s getting more bleak (每天都变得灰暗一分) A fresh poison each week... (就像新鲜的无情毒药……)”
“We were born sick,you heard them say it (我们天生罪孽,我的爱人听见他们这样说) My church offers no absolutes (我自己的教义里没有绝对真理) She tells me ’worship in the bedroom’ (但主告诉我要一心向主) The only heaven I’ll be sent to (但我知道对我而言真正的天堂) Is when I’m alone with you (就是在我爱人的身边) I was born sick, but I love it (我生来罪孽但是我乐意) Command me to be well (来治愈我吧) Amen. Amen. Amen... (万能的主,万能的你……)”
“Take me to church (带我去你的教堂) I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies (我会像只忠犬将你的谎言奉若神明) I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife (供述我所有的罪孽你大可磨刀霍霍) Offer me that deathless heaven (赐予我永生的死亡) Good god, let me give you my life... (让我献出我的生命吧……)”
“Take me to church (带我去你的教堂) I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies (我会像只忠犬对你的谎言顶礼膜拜) I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife (我忏悔我的罪恶你磨快你的匕首) Offer me that deathless death (赐我最绝望的一死吧) Good god, let me give you my life... (主啊,请接受我卑微的生命……)”
文中出现的歌是爱尔兰歌手Hozier-Take Me To Church,MV虐cry!