Q: If you could be John Watson or Sherlock Holmes, who would you rather be?
Mark Gatiss: Well, we're all really John Watson aren't we? So it would have to be Sherlock. It would be very weird being inside that mighty brain. Though of course,you wouldn't know any different! You'd see the whole world in such a different way. There's a case in Oliver Sachs' book 'The Man who mistook his wife for a hat' wherein someone suffers a brain injury and can suddenly smell the same things dogs can. It's amazing. For a few months he lives in an entirely olfactory world. When he gets better,he mourns his old life. Being Sherlock would be something like that.
Steven Moffat: I'd like to spend a week as Sherlock Holmes, to see what it's a like. Then I'd like to go back to the solace of my little brain - the constant insights would be EXHAUSTING!
·As answers go... Q:do you think you share any personality traits with A:Searing intelligence and sex-appeal. ^SM & MG
·如回答所说…… Q:你们觉得你们有什么共同特点吗? A:咄咄逼人的智慧和性感。^魔法特&加蒂斯
·Ah, ah, ah, ah, staying aliiiiiiiiiive... Q:is this why moriartys ringtone was staying alive or was that a happy coincidence? A:Wish we'd thought of that! ^SM & MG
·The brilliant Benedict... Q:what do you think is the best thing Benedict Cumberbatch brings to the character of holmes? A:He became famous overnight as Sherlock Holmes, which is not supposed to happen these days. Also he's brilliant. ^SM & MG
·Murder, most horrid? Q:You made Sherlock more & more human only to destroy that with murder - it was fantastic! Was this always your intention? A:As Sherlock Holmes would say, murder is terribly human ^SM
Q: Mark, what are the benefits and challenges for you personally of writing for Mycroft?
Mark Gatiss: The benefits are that it's very easy to change lines on the day as we don't have to ring up the writers! There's a line in 'His Last Vow' which never appeared in any draft. We just always agreed I'd say something along those lines and I did. the final wording, Steven and I only agreed to at the last minute! Also the suits - the suits are a great bonus! The challenge, I suppose, is to maintain Mycroft's chilliness when there's so much fun to be had in the sparring between the brothers. Also, as he's actually even cleverer than Sherlock, it's hard to show that in action.
·The curse of fandom? Q:Do you get annoyed at the fangirls and fanboys who have never read a page of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work? A:In our experience most people have read an awful lot of Doyle and one of the great joys is promoting the original ^MG
·No room at the inn (-ish)... Q:do you have any advice for aspiring tv writers? A:Stop it, there are no vacancies! Seriously, write every single day. ^SM
Q: Harry, John's sister, is briefly mentioned in The Sign of Three. Now that we've met Sherlock's parents, is there any chance we will learn about John's parents or meet Harry Watson in the future?
Mark Gatiss: There's always a chance. Now we've expanded the world a little by introducing Mr and Mrs Holmes, it would certainly be nice. Harry Watson has been looming as a character since the first episode but, as ever, it would have to be story-led. We know she likes a drink! She didn't turn up for the wedding and there's obviously a lot of family trouble there which would be interesting to explore.
Q: Did you consider anyone else to play Mary, or was it always going to be Amanda in your eyes?
Steven Moffat: Amanda is a hugely gifted actress, who happened to be sitting right across the table from us, looking just right next to Martin. And as it happened, she was perfect for the kind of Mary we wanted. Why look elsewhere? This show has always been like that - it was born, after all, out of a friendship and a marriage. Choosing to work with the people you love isn't a stupid or sentimental decision - it's one of the smartest decisions you can make.
(video of Amanda) Q: 你们有想过让别人去扮演玛丽吗?还是说你们早就认定了阿曼达?
·Matchmaking time? Q:would you ever considered sherlock actually having a real relationship???? A:It's a whole new version, we are open to anything. ^SM
·红娘时间? Q:你们有考虑过让夏洛克真的来一场恋爱吗???? A:那会是个全新的版本,打开新世界的大门。^魔法特 (we are open to anything这句,我总在疑惑他是在说new version让人open to anything,还是说他们欢迎各种猜想。。。之类)
Q:Steven if you had to play one of the characters which would you play?- A:The other one ^SM
Q: What were you most excited about seeing come from page to screen in series 3 and what are you excited about exploring in series 4?
Steven Moffat: Oh, the reunion scene in The Empty Hearse. I hovered over my computer, waiting for those rushes. And it was one of those moments when it turns out even better than you hoped. Series 4: oh, we have such ideas. You wait. And yes,you'll have to.
·Lest ye rest upon ye laurels... Q:What made you decide to focus more on character development this season ? A:For a third season it's important not to rest on your laurels and we wanted to explore different approaches ^MG
------------------------------ Q: How much of the storyline do you plan together, and how much do you write on your own? How did you write The Sign of Three together?
Steven Moffat: We do a lot of plotting together. All the big twists and turns, and the shape of the thing - we sit together and figure it all out and decide on the tone and the emphasis of each episode. Once or twice we've actually sat in the same room, and written a scene together, and that's been fun, but it hasn't happened that often.
·Carlton + Ventham = Cumberbatch... Q:Did you ever consider other actors for the parts of Sherlock's parents? A:No other gene combination would be credible. ^SM P.S.:Sherlock’s parents are played by actor Timothy Carlton and actress Wanda Ventham, Benedict Cumberbatch’s real-life parents.#SherlockLives
Q: Steven, I recently read an article saying that you would love to have Matt Smith in an episode of Sherlock. Is this true?
Steven Moffat: I only said there was no rule against it, but it would have to be story driven. I love Matt, and would always want to work with him. But it's always about the right actor for the right part.
·Flickety flick flick... Q:How many takes did it take for the "flick john in the face" scene? I wouldn't be able to control my laughter A:It took all day& Lars & Martin worked out exactly where he could be flicked without Martin actually wanting to kill him! ^MG
Q: Is there something that made you cry as you wrote season 3?
Steven Moffat: I did a lot of the best man speech. The only thing that's ever made cry as I wrote it, was the section where he starts seeming to be mean and dismissive, reveals that he's really taking the mickey of himself, and then promises never to let John down. I was crying like a grown man. Which is like normal crying, except there's more out of your nose, and you have to pretend you've trapped your finger.
·Similarities abound... Q:what's the most similar personality trait between you and mycroft's character??? A:MG: "Astonishing dress-sense and a great arse." SM: "Astonishing self-delusion"
·Dirty, dirty liars... Q:What character is the easiest and what is the most difficult in terms of writing dialogue? A:Writing is never easy, but we have enjoyed bringing Mary to life and she seems to have gone down very well (the dirty liar!) ^MG
Q: How do you balance a mix of your own (brilliant) ideas with that of the originals from Conan Doyle to make Sherlock?
Mark Gatiss: We've always adopted what we call a 'magpie' approach, much as the wonderful Basil Rathbone films did. Sometimes we just take the odd idea or even image from the stories, other times (Scandal, Vow, Hounds), the framework of the story is still very much in place. What's lovely is interweaving these with all new ideas and characters and still making it feel very much in the spirit of the originals. The lovely story 'A Case of Identity', though very slight and difficult to dramatise, has provided two separate parts of this years season!
Steven Moffat: Everything starts with Doyle, and we always go back to him when we're lost. Really, it's taking his ideas and seeing how they would work NOW. That sometimes has surprising results.
·LOL for S3... Q:Sherlock has been properly laugh out loud this season. Are there any contemporary TV comedies you take inspiration from? A: "We take our comic inspiration from Doyle. His stories are funnier than people realise." ^SM
Q: Do you think Arthur Conan Doyle would watch Sherlock if he was still alive?
Mark Gatiss: We'd like to think that he'd enjoy it. He was famously cavalier about his most famous creation but we've striven from the beginning to be as true as we can to the great spirit of Sherlock Holmes. Most of all, we hope he'd recognise the amount of fun we have. Depending on your view of Spiritualism, of course, he might well be watching! Sitting on the corner with his pipe, trying to watch Red Button episodes.
Steven Moffat: Probably. No idea what he'd think, but the updating wouldn't bother him - or at least it wouldn't surprise him. Every Sherlock Holmes film made in his lifetime (and there were many) was updated - even the hugely successful Stoll series, of which he greatly approved. Although I think he might have made a mild objection to that updating, so maybe I'm wrong. I realise this answer is in now way helpful so I'm giving up on it.
(红色按钮貌似是BBC数字电视类的服务。) (in now way helpful怀疑其实是in no way helpful,我完全查不到now way是什么意思。。。)
Q: Did you ever fear that the new villain wouldn't be able to live up to the standards set by Moriarty?
Steven Moffat: Right up until the point I sat down and watched Lars Mikkelson's audition.
Q: 你们是否曾经担心新反派比不上莫里亚提的水准?
魔法特: 直到我坐下来看到拉斯·米克尔森的试镜为止。
(图:http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BdkyXF4CYAA7OYZ.jpg) Sherlock crosses swords with the king of blackmail - Charles Augustus Magnussen - in 'His Last Vow' 夏洛克与勒索之王——查尔斯·奥古斯都·马格努森——在《最后的誓言》中交手