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3、粉红色的研究 ...

  •   7th February
      A Study in Pink

      I've blacked out a few names and places because of legal matters but, other than that, this is what happened on the night I moved in with Sherlock Holmes.

      When I first met Sherlock, he told me my life story. He could tell so much about me from my limp, my tan and my mobile phone. And that's the thing with him. It's no use trying to hide what you are because Sherlock sees right through everyone and everything in seconds. What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things.

      This morning, for example, he asked me who the Prime Minister was. Last week he seemed to genuinely not know the Earth goes round the Sun. Seriously. He didn't know. He didn't think the Sun went round the Earth or anything. He just didn't care. I still can't quite believe it. In so many ways, he's the cleverest person I've ever met but there are these blank spots that are almost terrifying. At least I've got used to him now. Well, I say that, I suspect I'll never really get used to him. It's just, on that first night, I literally had no idea of what was to come. I mean, how could I!?

      I was looking at the flat, surprised at the state it was already in, when DI ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓from Scotland Yard burst in. Sherlock, of course, already knew why he was there. There'd been another death - this time, in ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓. Sherlock asked me to join him and I went along, intrigued. In the taxi, he explained how he'd deduced everything about me the previous day- how he'd picked up on every word I said, every action, tiny little things about my phone. It was extraordinary. I'd try to explain it here but I don't think I'd be able to do him justice. Go to his site, The Science of Deduction and see for yourself how his mind works.

      I was still surprised that, even being the genius he clearly is, the police would come to him for help. He said he was a ‘consulting detective'. Naturally, being the arrogant so-and-so he is, he'd had to give himself his own unique job title.

      We arrived in ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ where, to my surprise, he introduced me as his colleague. The police seemed surprised by this as well I get the impression he'd not had ‘colleagues' before. It was a body of a woman, dressed in pink. And she'd been poisoned. Again, Sherlock just looked at her and he knew everything about her. The way she was dressed. Splatters of mud on her leg. What was there and, more importantly, what was missing. Her suitcase. And it was that which excited him. The missing pink suitcase.

      He left the body and ran outside to searched for it, naturally leaving me behind. I spoke to a policewoman and she summed Sherlock up. She said 'he gets off on it.' And he does. He didn't care about the dead woman or any of the other victims. I suspect if he came back and found me and our landlady lying here with our throats cut, he'd just see it as an intellectual exercise. 'Fantastic' he'd exclaim, rubbing his hands together. 'But the door was locked so how did they kill each other' The policewoman, she called him a psychopath. That seems harsh and it was hardly a professional diagnosis but I look back at what I wrote about him when I first met him. I called him the madman.

      So I went back to Baker Street and Sherlock asked me to send a text message. He'd found her suitcase and discovered that the victim's phone was missing. He knew the killer would have it, so there I was, texting a serial killer.

      He'd found the woman's missing suitcase because he'd known it would be pink, like the woman's clothes. It hadn't even crossed my mind and when I said this, he told me I was an idiot. He didn't mean to be offensive, he just said what he thought. I've been called worse things but his bluntness was still a bit of a surprise. He just didn't care about being polite or anything like that. I was starting to understand why he didn't seem to have many f‘colleagues'.

      After that, we went on a stakeout. We waited in a restaurant to see if the killer would visit the address I'd texted him. Across the road, we saw a taxi pull up. We ran out, but it drove off. Sherlock insisted on chasing it and luckily he seemed to have an intimate knowledge of London's backstreets. Of course, as I realised afterwards, he's probably memorised the London A-Z. We ran down street after street and we managed to catch up with the taxi - only to discover that the passenger wasn't our killer. He'd only just arrived in the UK. It was the most ridiculous night of my life - I mean, an actual chase through London. People don't do that, not really. But we did.
      在那之后,我们去进行了一次监视。我们等在一家餐馆里,看看凶手会不会去我发给他的地址那里。我们看见一辆出租车在马路那边停了下来。我们跑了出去,但它开走了。夏洛克坚持追上它,幸运的是他看起来他相当熟悉伦敦的街道。当然,正如我之后意识到的那样,他很可能记下了伦敦地图(我查到the London A-Z意思是伦敦的地名小册子,不过我觉得这里直接翻译成伦敦地图可能更好)。我们穿过一条有一条的街道,想要追上那辆出租车——最终却只发现那乘客不是我们要找的凶手。他刚刚到达英国。那真是我一生中最可笑的夜晚——我是说,一次伦敦追踪(我总觉得这里应该有更酷的译法,但是目前只想到这个)!普通人不会干这事,真的。但我们就这么干了(想了想我还是改掉原来的了)。

      And, of course, by doing this, Sherlock proved my limp was psychosomatic. Did I mention he's clever

      We returned to the flat to discover that ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ and the police were there, examining the suitcase. It was actually pretty funny seeing how offended Sherlock was by this. I genuinely think he believes himself to be above the law. And he couldn't stand the fact that ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ had got one over him.▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ described Sherlock as a child and, in many ways, that's what he is. I said that he doesn't care about what others think and that he's arrogant because of this but it's not really that. It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he genuinely doesn't understand that it's normal to care. It's normal to worry about what other people think. Like a child, he just doesn't understand the rules of society- which, of course, is probably why he's so good at working the rest of us out.

      Sherlock thinks everyone else is stupid so he's like a kid at Christmas when it turns out that one of us have done something clever. I'm not talking about me but our murder victim. She hadn't lost her phone. She hadn't left it behind. She knew she was going to die so she'd left her phone in the taxi - And, like all modern phones, it had a GPS system so you could locate it. That brilliant woman had led us to her killer.

      And he was outside. He was outside our flat - in his taxi! We'd chased him halfway across London, thinking he'd been driving the killer - but he was the killer himself. That was how he'd manage to get to his victims - just by picking them up in his cab. Of course, Sherlock being completely and utterly mad, got into the taxi so he could talk to him. Again, he wasn't interested in the ‘rules'. He wasn't interested in how the driver had done all this. I don't think he was particularly interested in stopping him and it didn't even cross his mind to let the police know that the man they were looking for was outside. All Sherlock Holmes was interested in was discovering why the killer had done it. He wanted to be alone with the killer so he could question him. That was more important than anything else - despite the obvious threat to his own life.

      The taxi driver drove him to a college of further education so they could both educate each other on - well, on how their minds worked, I guess. It's not something I'll ever really understand and, to be honest, I'm not sure I ever want to understand it. To be that much of a psychopath. To be that above the rest of us. To be that dangerous. It's pretty terrifying.

      Afterwards, Sherlock told me what happened. The taxi driver had a brain aneurism. He was dying. He'd pick up his victims and take them somewhere. Then he'd give them a choice. Take one of two pills - one of which was harmless and one of which would kill them. Their only other choice was that he would shoot them. It makes me furious to think about those poor people who got into his taxi - one of them was just a kid! They must have gone through hell. But Sherlock, mad old Sherlock, he understood him. As far the taxi driver was concerned, he was outliving people. He was giving himself the power of life and death. And I do, I genuinely think Sherlock understood this.

      Myself and the police had managed to work out where they'd gone so we'd driven after them. But it was too late. By the time we got there, I could see that Sherlock was going to take one of the pills. It wasn't because he had to but because it was a game of wits. He wasn't going to let this other arrogant, pompous psychopath win. Which is when someone shot the taxi driver. Someone like that's bound to have enemies so it shouldn't have been a surprise but I hadn't seen anyone shot since Afghanistan. It's something you never really get used to. That someone could have the power of life and death over someone else - but I'm glad whoever it was did it, because they undoubtedly saved Sherlock's life. And, frankly, after everything that man had done to those innocent people who got into his car, a quick death like that was better than he deserved.

      And after all that Well, me and my flatmate went for a Chinese. Like I say, he really does know some great restaurants.

      There was one other thing though. Before the taxi driver died, he said a name. A name of someone or something that had helped him. Moriarty. I've never heard of it and neither has Sherlock. Of course, he loves it. He thinks he's found himself an arch-enemy. He's a strange child.

      And since that night It hasn't stopped. Oh, there's so much more I've got to tell you.

      *Comment deleted*
      Harry Watson 07 February 14:32
      哈莉·华生 2月7日 14:32
      Yeah, kids might be reading this Harry.
      John Watson 07 February 14:46
      约翰·华生 2月7日 14:46
      Okay, but really Is this really what flipping happened Cos that's flipping mental!
      Harry Watson 07 February 14:49
      哈莉·华生 2月7日 14:49
      It's all true.
      John Watson 07 February 15:00
      约翰·华生 2月7日 15:00
      This is exciting. I am writing this on Mrs Turner's computer. One of her lodgers is trying to get me to join Facebook but I have told him I don't want to poke people. I am writing this to you from next door.
      Marie Turner 07 February 15:08
      玛丽·特纳 2月7日 15:08
      Ha! Thanks. Mrs H. Don't suppose you could bring some biscuits back with you
      John Watson 07 February 15:09
      约翰·华生 2月7日 15:09
      I'm your landlady not your housekeeper.
      Marie Turner 07 February 15:11
      玛丽·特纳 2月7日 15:11
      That's amazing!! You deserve a medal! Another one!!
      Bill Murray 07 February 15:14
      比尔·莫瑞 2月7日 15:14
      of course if i was sherlock's colleague we would have solved the case much earlier. how could you not realise the suitcase would be pink
      theimprobableone 07 February 15:26
      不可思议的某某 2月7日 15:26
      Who the hell are you!! And what kind of name is that!!
      Harry Watson 07 February 15:30
      哈莉·华生 2月7日15:30
      i'm an expert on sherlock holmes. i understand him which is something someone like you would never do.
      theimprobableone 07 February 15:32
      不可思议的某某 2月7日 15:32
      At least I understand how to use CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!
      Harry Watson 07 February 15:43
      哈莉·华生 2月7日 15:43
      capital letters are just one of society's conventions that I choose to ignore.you've just been programmed to be one of society.you're a sheep.
      theimprobableone 07 February 15:46
      不可思议的某某 2月7日 15:46
      *Comment deleted*
      Harry Watson 07 February 15:48
      哈莉·华生 2月7日 15:48
      Language. Harry!
      John Watson 07 February 15:50
      约翰·华生 2月7日 15:50
      Bravo, John! Knew you had it in you!
      Mike Stamford 07 February 15:54
      迈克·斯坦福 2月7日 15:54
      Sherlock's amazing, isn't he. He's just so brilliant!!!
      Molly Hooper 07 February 16:06
      莫莉·胡珀 2月7日 16:06
      Oh he's a genius. I do hope we'll meet one day
      Anonymous 07 February 16:09
      匿名 2月7日 16:09
      Sally Donovan 07 February 16:36
      莎莉·多诺万 2月7日 16:36
      John, I've only just found this post. I've glanced over it and honestly, words fail me. What I do is an exact science and should be treated as such. You've made the whole experience seem like some kind of romantic adventure. You should have focussed on my a|nalytical(我不知道分析这个词为啥会被打框框= =) reasoning and nothing more.
      Sherlock Holmes 28 March 17:46
      夏洛克·福尔摩斯 3月28日 17:46
      It's your turn to buy the milk, Sherlock.
      John Watson 28 March 18:12
      约翰·华生 3月28日 18:12
note 作者有话说
第3章 粉红色的研究

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